Sweden EN 0

Benefits Shopper

Benefits Shopper

A Benefitsshopper (BS) is a person who has registered as a reseller in the online shop for free. The Benefitsshopper receives an immediate discount of 8% off the net sales price on all bonus-eligible or marked items.

He has his own back office as well as a shop for his own purchases. Customers cannot shop in the shop of a benefit shopper. In addition, the benefit shopper can acquire additional benefit shoppers. A benefit shopper does not participate in the Fúmée career plan.

A wallet withdrawal is also not possible. Interested parties can register via the shop of a benefit shopper, as a benefit shopper, and upgrade to a business partner at any time for a fee (by purchasing a starter kit).


  • Newsletter with special offers
  • Restricted access to the back office
  • Instant discount 8%
  • Registration link for new benefits shoppers/business partners
  • Earning opportunities after upgrading to a business partner
  • No online store for customers
  • Free registration as a benefits shopper
  • No wallet withdrawals

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